Inmedia Solutions, partner responsible for the communication of the European MAIA project on climate change

This week we have been in Bilbao at the kick-off meeting of the European project Horizon 2020 MAIA, in which we lead the communication tasks. MAIA is, without a doubt, one of the most…

This week we have been in Bilbao at the kick-off meeting of the European project Horizon 2020 MAIA, in which we lead the communication tasks. MAIA is, without a doubt, one of the most important projects we have worked on to date, and also one whose results will have a greater social impact.

What is MAIA? MAIA is the acronym for “Maximising Impact and Accessibility of European Climate Research”. In short, with MAIA, the European Commission seeks that the results of research projects on climate change have greater impact and that research efforts do not create duplication. To achieve this, conversations between the different programs under way or already completed will be promoted. In addition, to reinforce this task, the quadruple helix strategy will be used, incorporating researchers, companies, civil society (especially young people) and political leaders into the equation.

At Inmedia, our main mission will be to guide communication actions towards civil society, in addition to ensuring that communication strategies for other audiences are consistent.

This ambitious and exciting project will last three years and has the participation of 12 European partners. The project is headed by the Basque Center for Climate Change (Spain), and the other partners are, in addition to Inmedia Solutions, Brigaid Connect (EU), Athena Research Center (Greece), Horizon Nua (Ireland), Sociedad Portuguesa de Inovaçao ( Portugal), AQUATEC (Spain), Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria), Stockhokm Environment Institute (UK-Sweden), Smart Cities Consulting (Austria), Regions 4 (EU) and ThatzAD (Spain).

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