Dream destinations

Creation of the European platform Movie Tourism With the rise of the streaming audiovisual content platforms, Inmedia – together with an international consortium of companies from Italy, France, Malta, Greece and Cyprus – has…

Creation of the European platform Movie Tourism

With the rise of the streaming audiovisual content platforms, Inmedia – together with an international consortium of companies from Italy, France, Malta, Greece and Cyprus – has proposed to the European Commission the project FAMOUS, “Film festivals and MOvie tourism at Unesco Sites “, with the aim to link UNESCO heritage with the places where series or films have been shot. The idea is to highlight the intrinsic cultural value of the European cinematographic and architectural heritage. Business development, market research, storytelling … are just some of the work to be done by Inmedia, which also promotes the creation of the necessary digital tools to enjoy an interactive experience during the visit.

Market Research · Partnership · Storytelling · Business Development · Augmented Reality

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